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Rikishi Des

By Joe Rojas April 11, 2021

I want a sumo video game. 


Having cut the cord some time ago, my access to mainstream television has been somewhat limited. All networks and video streaming sites have had to pivot and adapt to the production challenges that COVID-19 has presented. That said, I haven't noticed, one iota, that I no longer have cable. I do have Hulu, HBO, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney +, etc. and, believe it or not, there's a digital version of bunny ears for modern televisions that gives you access to HD feeds of all major networks. Along with those titans, there are hundreds of small-time stations that rival traditional cable and are arguably more interesting to watch. One of those is NHK World Japan, a Japanese public station - the only public television station in Japan - that broadcasts all around the world. As far as their mission statement, the press kit goes on to say; "As the world's gateway to Japan and Asia, we reveal the diversity of our culture, traditions, and innovations and bring you the latest in business, cutting-edge technologies, and creativity from across the region. We treasure our connection with the people who live, work and travel here.


I discovered NHK thanks to my brother, Mark, and of all the programming they offer on-demand through their website, I began to cultivate a deep fascination and eventual love for Sumo.

One of the best features of NHK is their coverage of top-tier, or Grand Sumo. There are six 15-day tournaments every year, and NHK will air them live as well as package each match into 30-minute tournament highlights at the end of each day. The commentators are English-speaking and they do a superb job of on-boarding the viewer to the terminology, the wrestlers, and the overall inner workings of Sumo. Having watched all the major tournaments for the last three years, my mind couldn't help but stray to the fantasy of being able to embody one of these imposing athletes in a video game. Is there a Sumo game? What would a good Sumo game look like? For context, Sumo is a battle between two rikishi (wrestlers) wherein they attempt to either force the other out of the dohyō (circular fighting ring) or into touching the ground with any body part other than the feet


I thought to myself that if there are or ever were Sumo video games they most likely weren't released in The States. Low and behold, I found three Sumo games that were released in Japan only:

1). Oozumou Spirit ED (SUPER FAMICOM)

2). Waka Taka Ozumo (SUPER FAMICOM)

3). 64 Ozumo (N64)

Though there are ways I can play the aforementioned games, dubious as those methods may or may not be, I wouldn't be able to read anything on the screen -though I am making an honest attempt at learning Japanese-, and would have to decode the game-play on my own. I want a modern Sumo game with the might of current-gen consoles. I'm imagining EA or 2K making this game. Perhaps there's a GM mode where you manage a paddock of wrestlers and try to get them to the major tournaments. I'm imagining being able to pick your favorite rikishi and doing your best to dominate the competition. I would most likely pick the current YokozunaHakuho Sho, or the recently demoted SekiwakiTochinoshin Tsuyoshi

What would the character-creation part of this game look like? Probably not too dissimilar from current forms of character-creators in other sports games. It does bring to mind, however, representation. I'm half Mexican, half white, and grew up not quite passing for either. Family gatherings were tough because I didn't know the language and some folks at school would call me slurs commonly associated with Mexicans, even though I felt more like them than some of my own family. At the time, that experience felt unique and being able to see myself in a videogame or someone who looked like me was always a subliminal token of acceptance. The beautiful thing about Sumo is that rikishi don't have to be Japanese or a particular skin color to participate; hard work, practice, and lots of specific meal-eating will get them to the big show. Oh, but there is one thing, you do need to be male to be in Grand Sumo. Like most professional sports, the barrier for women is wildly unfair or entry isn't even an option. Tournaments for women in Sumo exist all around the world, but there is little coverage and almost no money. Pay professional female athletes more money. In my dream game, though, you'll be able to be female, male, or non-binary. Looks like I've promoted myself to game director. You'll be able to actualize your skin tone in the game, or any skin tone you want. You'll be able to give your rikishi twig legs or full-on tree trunks. You'll be able to pick the stable from which you wrestle, the color of your Mawashi (Sumo belt), whether you're more muscular or just rotund. Any height you want, it's yours. Do you want to touch the walls with your wingspan? Do it..., well, we'll test that feature and let you know. Perhaps you can even pick a taunt before the start of a match; if so, I would pick that of Takayasu Akira, a bulldog of a rikishi: 


There are a few Sumo games on Steam, but they don't seem to have the depth of experience I'm looking for. Circle of Sumo is a game where the player is asked to "Use your belly to your advantage! Challenge your friends in this fun party game on sumo. Fight into the arena: charge, hit, dodge, and defeat the opponents. Let's have some good old fun!" What it looks like, to me, is a series of Mario Party mini-games. That's fine, that's just not what I'm looking for.

circle of sumo.PNG

Sadly, I don't think the Western audience would have the gravity to pull in a major developer and convince them to build a Sumo game. I hope I'm wrong and I'll never say never. My hope will continue to hold strong and, if ever one is released in just the East, I'll do my damnedest to bring it westward. 

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